Today's your special day.
Many happy returns from everyone at Comptoir des Cotonniers!
Your gift* awaits.

To receive your free home fragrance with no minimum spending, please take the following steps :
1. Log onto your account
2. Confirm basket
3. Enter your delivery preferences
4. Click "Payment" to confirm the order (Don't worry, you don't have to pay anything!)
All the best, Comptoir des Cotonniers team.
*Offer applies from October 26th, 2023, with no purchase requirement, only for Club Comptoir Ambassador and VIP customers within 30 days from receipt of this email in Comptoir des Cotonniers stores upon presentation of this email and at comptoirdescotonniers.eu by clicking comptoirdescotonniers.eu/birthday-gift-c306.html and following the instructions. A home fragrance is offered in boutique and online at comptoirdescotonniers.eu. Offer valid once per customer and can be used in conjunction with other offers.